Thursday, 6 June 2013

How to Generate More Revenue from Ads on Your Website

If you want your website to pay for itself, or even generate a little extra income, you need to embrace the concept of online advertising. That’s right, websites that make money are those that accept online ads, typically in the form of pay per click (PPC) advertising. You can help make your website profitable by signing up for Google’s AdSense program. But not all website advertising is created equal; some sites generate a lot more ad revenue than others. In this article, Michael Miller, author of Using Google AdWords and AdSense, shares some tips you can use to increase your AdSense revenue — and make more money from your website.
If you want your website to pay for itself, or even generate a little extra income, you need to embrace the concept of online advertising. That’s right, websites that make money are those that accept online ads, typically in the form of pay per click (PPC) advertising.
PPC advertising works by placing context-sensitive ads on a web page. When a visitor clicks on an ad, the advertiser is charged a small amount for that click. The advertising network that serves the ad take a portion of that PPC payment, and the host website gets the rest.
The thing is, some sites generate a lot more advertising revenue than do others. It all comes down to how many clicks each ad receives; the more traffic a site has that clicks on its ads, the more revenue is generated.
How do you generate more revenue from your website ads? It all starts with signing up with a successful PPC ad network, and then doing anything it takes to increase the click-through rate.

A Brief Overview of Google AdSense

While there are several PPC ad networks out there, the most popular such network is Google AdSense. The AdSense program places content-targeted ads on your site, sells those ads to appropriate advertisers, monitors visitor click-throughs, tracks how much money is owed you, and then pays you what you've earned. All you have to do is sign up and reserve a place for those ads on your web pages.
AdSense PPC ads are typically smallish text ads (although an increasing amount are image ads), and you have full control over how many ads appear on each page, as well as the size and placement of each ad. You can make the ads as unobtrusive as you like—or make them stand out, the better to catch the attention of your site visitors.
It’s important to know that AdSense ads aren't just random advertisements; Google utilizes the same technology it uses to analyze web pages for its search index to determine the content of a page and place a content-appropriate ad on that page. For example, if your web page is about winter sports, it might place ads for ski equipment or ice skates on the page. The more targeted your web page, the easier it is for Google to find relevant ads that your visitors will find interesting.
In terms of managing the ads on your site, there’s little you need to do. Google automatically crawls each page on your site to determine its content, and places ads appropriately. Your only involvement is to activate the AdSense service and then insert the appropriate HTML code into each page. You then sit back and let Google do everything else. (You don't even have to notify Google if you change your site's content; AdSense automatically monitors your site for changes, and places new ads accordingly.)
If you haven’t yet signed up for Google AdSense, it’s free. Just go to and create a new account. You can then what type of ads you want on your site; AdSense offers a variety of ad sizes, formats, and colors. Based on this information, AdSense will generate a block of HTML code specifically tailored for each page on your site. Copy this block of code and paste it into each web page where you want the ads to appear.
After the ads start displaying, sit back and wait for your site's visitors to start clicking. You monitor the performance of the ads on your site – and track revenues generated—via AdSense's control panel. You can also use the control panel to change the ads on your site or generate new ads.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Built Free Toolbar For Your Website Or Blog To Improve Visitor

earnblogtips.blogspot.inBuild a custom Toolbar for your website and keep updated your users with most important content. It is one of the most smartest way to building a strong community andgenerating traffic to your website or blogs. Allow your users to download the Toolbar form your site and see the magic.
        How to create a Toolbar for free? is providing a free service to build a custom Toolbar for your website or blog.Here you can build your own Toolbar easily in some easy steps.

>Signup for an account or login directly using your Facebook account.
>Click the ''create one button''
>Accept terms and conditions.
>Set up your custom Toolbar.
>Get link of your Toolbar page and paste into your website or blog.
Set up your Toolbar.
After accepting terms & conditions you will redirected to set up page.
Alexa toolbar
1-First pick a name of your Toolbar. It is good to giving your site name.
2-Link Button: Put here the most important link of your site that your users can access it instantly.
3-Menu Button: You can put multiple links of your website, which you want to share with your users by menu button. It is a drop down menu.
4-Search Button: Here two options are available. You may allow your users to search content in your website using search engine or your own search URL.
5-RSS Button: Put here your rss feed URL to allow users to subscribe your feed directly form your Toolbar.
6-Facebook page Button: Paste your Facebook page URL to make people to like you.
7-Twitter Button: Paste your Twitter URL to make your users to follow you.
8-Gmail Button:  Your users can view new email notification form here.
9-Toolbar control button: This is a icon, Toolbar may controlled by this button( show or hide).
Next add your logo and valuable description of your Toolbar. This description will shown in your Toolbar page.
Adding the Toolbar in your site:
After clicking publish button, you can see the promotional button code of your Toolbar right bellow of Toolbar statistic.Choose your perfect promotional button and copy the code and paste into right place of your website or blogs.
That's all....

Still you have any problems to create please post  a comment.

Add Your Blog Or Website To Alexa Ranking Fast

Claim Your Blog on Alexa

Below are some steps which you have to perform to submit your website in alexa.

1- Visit and create an account.

2- Now log in to your account. If you don't want to create new account then you can also log in with your

facebook account.

3- Now go to alexa site owner page.

4- Now enter your blog/website domain name and click on Claim Your Site button as shown in below screenshot.

5- On the next page you will get all the plans and prices that alexa offers. As being a blogger I recommend you to choose Free plan. Click on Sign Up button under "Free Plan".

6- Once you click on sign up button, on the next page you will see two verification options.

7- add a meta tag in your blog template under <head> section.

8- After adding meta tag in your blog, go back to alexa and click on "Verify my ID" button.

9- If everything is right, you will receive a confirmation message like below picture.


10-Click on continue to add your site details. Fill all the details like your site title and description, alexa rank in country and fill your public contact information.

11- You Are Done

Final Words!

This was all about how to claim site / blog on alexa. If you want to improve your alexa ranking then submit you site in alexa today. Please leave your valuable feedback and comments about this tutorial. Thanks! Peace :)

Add Your Website Or Blog To Yahoo Search engine

Yahoo! - Site Explorer allows you to explore all the web pages indexed by Yahoo Search Engine.  It also improves your pages Visibility on yahoo search results.  It will give an idea about the most popular pages from your site.  By submitting a Site Map or feed URL, You can find pages that link to your site and out linked from your Site.  It is Similar to Yahoo Webmaster Tools
Add a Site or Blog to Yahoo! - Site Explorer:
1-Sign in to Yahoo! using your existing Yahoo! ID details or Sign up for new account.
2. Now open Yahoo! - Site Explorer   and enter your Site or Blog URL in appeared box. Then click Add My Site.

3. You have to authenticate your site.  For this,    you go for 2nd procedure   By adding a META tag to my home page.  Copy the Meta tag and add a backslash ' / ' before  ' > '.   Don't close this page.   Have a look on Screen shot.
Don't forget to add slash, Otherwise it shows XML error.
Example Tag:  <META name="y_key" content="ebc9d2f7530798e8"/>
4. Now open Blogger Dashboard in your blogger account --->> Next click your blog Design  option --->> then click  Edit HTML.
5.  Find <head> tag and Paste Meta Tag just below it.  Click Save Template.
6. Now come to Yahoo! - Site Explorer and click Ready to Authenticate.
Add a Site feed or Site map to Yahoo! - Site Explorer:
7. In Yahoo! - Site Explorer, open Feeds under your site and enter your feed URL path as rss.xml. For better understanding, see screen-shot guide. Now click on Add Feed
8. You have done it. Effects don't appear in one day. It takes several days to get good results.

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How To Earn With Infolinks

how can earn with infolinksHow do i get money from infolinks

Infolinks is an in text advertising network that serves pay per click ads on a publisher blog/website.  It is one of the best ads network after google adsense for making money online especially for bloggers who do not have extra space to displays ads and difficult to get AdSense.

How can I earn money? You can see on this page many double underline words which are basically infolinks ads.When you take cursor on these words,a small window appears or percolate to give any information to click.If any user clicks those infolink text ads then I earn money online from those textual ads.Infolinks itself decides and selects where to put its textual ads on webpages.

Infolinks membership / registration is free for all .

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to create infolinks account

1. Create an account by visiting this link. Now, you can also use your Facebook credentials when creating your Infolinks account.
infolinks form fill

2. After fill forum click join and get code for your site or blog copy code and past into your site

3. your site will be approval wtithen 48 hours. Ads will automatically begin run after approval.

4. Once you created your account, log on to your admin panel by clicking on Login > Publisher on their homepage.

5. After you login successfully, you will be brought to the Publishers Center. Here you can check your dashboard and notifications. You can also view your report from a specified date or since the last payout. It also contains the links to different settings such as Integrate, Customize, Account and New.

Infolinks, very customizable for you.

Infolinks provides you various tools for in text ads for earning money online .Use all the tools so that you get maximum chances of getting money whenever any visitor lands on your webpages.You can aslo use related tags ,tag cloud and search widget on your website to earn money.

How Much People Earn From Infolinks?

Some people earns several dollars from Infolinks, from $50 to $100 every month. But based from their FAQs, there is no limit on how much you can earn from them – sky is the limit. What you just need is a high traffic website and the correct way of putting their codes which we discussed above.

My earning statement:

My earning statement:

Infolinks payout

Infolinks has minimum payout of 50 $ for publishers .Once infolinks ads are integrated into your website,then you start earning money online and money is accomulated into your account.Once your earning reach 50$ then you can order for payment.Infolinks pays through paypal,wire transferor payoneer.

Read more:

Offline Typing Jobs


What is offline Typing?
  • In this work nature, typist's computer does not require connect to the internet while he/her do typing work on the same computer. 
Job Nature:
  • We have an offer for our typist, a wide range of offline typing work. We have a large outsourcing business client's criteria and they need to typing work to us. For ex. Medical College and Universities, Business Companies, Government Departments, Health Departments and Most of the work we collect to the Educational Departments. In the same we accept the work on the competitive rates to our clients and after that we need to freelance typist to complete our contract in the fixed time period.
  • We don't ask about Investment to our freelancer's for getting the typing jobs to us, but we really expect to our freelance worker that they will do good quality typing work in the deadline time period as per our terms . We are ready to pay best in the market for the same to you. 
Job Rates: 
  • US$ 2.5 to US$ 5.0 per page or per 1000 words are depends on the work nature and accuracy levels. While you type only one page or many page, as per CJ Inc's terms than you will be surely paid by us.     
Expected per month earning: 
  • To understand see this below example with the minimum per page typing rate  :
  • We provide US$ 2.5 Per Page typing rates if you typed 10 Page Per day than your per day income will US$ 25. If you do this work only for 25 days than you will earn in a month US$ 625
  • If you have reached at 16 year's limit than you can join us.
  • Healthy Fingers, Good Eye-Sight.
  • Minimum 20-50 words per minute typing speed on the computer.
  • Good knowledge of MS Office and other applications related to this work 
  • Basic knowledge of Internet.
  • Your Accuracy should be between 95-100%. If your accuracy is below 95%, work will be returned and payments will hold till resubmitting the said work.
Sample Work:
  • Typing materials will provide to you in the same condition as we received from the business clients. It can be in digitally (pre typed as image) copy form or in physically (hand written) form. To understand that how to do the work we provide sample work to you.  
  • Select your country and get your Sample work.
  • You will paid by CJ Inc's as once you reached the minimum limit  of US$25. If your work have not enough fund in your JOB account in that condition your payment will carry on for next payment month schedule.
  • Payments are made to you on15th of every month. Payment mode are available by Cheque, Online fund transfer and Paypal.
  • Registration is absolutely Free. There are No hidden cost before or after the joining.
Selection Procedure :
  • Download the application form and submit the details to the working committee. The details will be reviewed by CJ Inc's Specialist Committee. If they find you are eligible as per CJ Inc's norms, then you will be contacted by them. You will be contact for an interview via Paltalk messenger. 

Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood

They are rich, famous, powerful and beautiful! About these millions of men around the world dream, they dream of a true and sincere love for life. Many are afraid of their beauty, others would have given everything I can to be with them. They are beautiful.
1. Jennifer Lopez
Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood 11 Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood
Singer and actor for the most beautiful woman of the world in 2011. Mother of twins now three-year divorce from Mark Anthony, but do not waste time – having fun with a man 18 years younger.
2. Eva Longoria
Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood 21 Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood
Pocket Venus, as many call it, he had a marriage to basketball player Tony Parker. However, this thirty-year old actress has long suffered, she entertains with Eduardo Cruz, younger brother delay colleague Penelope.
3. Leticija Kasta
Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood 31 Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood
Stunning model and actress of French origin is 33 years old and is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. For many years living with an Italian actor Stefano Akoršijem with whom she has two children.
4. Adriana Lima
Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood 41 Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood
Thirty Serbian daughter-in-law is married to a famous Serbian basketball player Marko Jaric with which it has a two year old daughter Valentina. One of the world’s best paid top model, and became famous as a Victoria Secret Angel.
5. Catherine Zeta Jones
Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood 5 Top 5 Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood
Despite the fact that it is trampled in the fifth decade, has 43 years, Catherine is still considered to be one of the most beautiful and world giant. She is married to Michael Douglas, who even 25 years older than her. The couple have two children.

Top 10 Blogger Templates

Download Best Free Premium Blogger Templates for 2013

So I decided to share some great templates with you which were recently released this year from different designers. These templates are very awesome in design, SEO friendly and have some beautiful features which can easily be customized.
I have 10 beautiful blogger templates for you and you can download all of them from this page. These templates are magazine type, news type and especially for technology blogs. So have a great look at them and download them for your blogs :).

How to Download These Templates?

All the downloading and DEMO links are given below each template's example image, so if you want to check the demo of any template then just click the LIVE DEMO and for downloading the template click the download link. Also below the template list there is a video in Urdu which will guide you how to install any blogger template in seconds.

#1. Metro Simple Blogger Template

I would just say that this template is great. This template was recently created and has all features which a professional design must have. The most beautiful template I can say, this one is. It has all what you need.

#2. Inspiration Dawn Blogger Template

I really like simple and professional blogger templates and this one is of course a simple and professional template. It Has a look similar like and you can however customize any part of this template according to your needs. Photos Gallery, two cute menus including drop down and a big header is the beauty of this template.

#3. Devil's Workshop Blogger Template

This template is the one which I'm using myself on this blog for last few months and the result is great yet. Especially it is SEO optimized and easy to customize. I will keep it on my blog for a long time. It has all necessary features.

#4. MONOP Blogger Template 

This template is totally a fresh and clean one. The template is created by a professional web designer and SEO opmitzer Muhammad Mustafa Ahmedzai of MBT. this template has space for Google adsense ads and also a beautiful red colored drop down menu. The header is also cool, and has a default subscription box for Facebook, Twitter and email subscribers. So grab this template by clicking the downloading link below the picture.

#5. Halifax Blogger Template

This template is very awesome in design and Layout. I just liked its header and simple navigation bar. It can attract people who like quiet environment while reading a blog.

#6. Mash 2 Blogger Template

Mash 2 is the second copy of Mashable blogger template in 2012. So it is also a great template in design, menus, layout and with other widgets. This template can also be used in 2013 for blogging.

#7. Freshable Blogger Template

This is another beautiful template for personal blogs and has a very unique navigation menu at header. The space for logo is also a new one. This template has many other features and a cute side bar. Must give it a try in 2013. This template is created by Faizan Ali of MBL who is also a silent reader of this blog. He blogs terribly.

#8. Quintel Blogger Template

Quintel blogger template is also released in the middle of 2012 and it is similarly likeWay2blogging template. It has a navigation menu along with a header and can be customized easily.

#9. Balena Blogger Template

Balena is WordPress converted blogger template which is the best for Cooking blogs and other domestic blogs. Girls and women can use it for their blogs and it has a colorful environment. 

#10. Style Vantage Green Blogger Template

This is another simple and awesome blogger template and this template is useful for poetry and SMS blogs. However, it can be used for any kind of blog, because it has a navigation bar as well as a simple header and two columns.

Why we say these templates are for 2013?

Because we have checked most of these templates and they are perfect for 2013 year. These templates were mostly released in the middle or in the end of 2012, therefore, they have overall capabilities for 2013 as well. You can freely use them in 2013 for your blogging with

How to Install a blogger template?

I most of you know about installing a blogger template, but if any of you don't know then here is a video tutorial in Urdu language which will show you a practical stage of installing a blogger template in seconds. Do watch it and learn the procedure of template installation.

Do you need the best collection of blogger templates for 2013 year which is coming after a month? if so then this post is specially published for you. As we know finding the best, clean and fresh templates for blogger blogs is the hardest and never ending job. But if you  find a great free template then what do you need more?. From the day since I'm using blogger.comfor blogging, I search mostly for clean and well-coded free templates which are also SEO optimized by default and user friendly in design. However, I have never tried to create a unique template for my blog myself. But now, the time has come and Inshallah very soon I'll be releasing an absolutely new template from

Download Best Free Premium Blogger Templates for 2013

So I decided to share some great templates with you which were recently released this year from different designers. These templates are very awesome in design, SEO friendly and have some beautiful features which can easily be customized.
I have 10 beautiful blogger templates for you and you can download all of them from this page. These templates are magazine type, news type and especially for technology blogs. So have a great look at them and download them for your blogs :).

How to Download These Templates?

All the downloading and DEMO links are given below each template's example image, so if you want to check the demo of any template then just click the LIVE DEMO and for downloading the template click the download link. Also below the template list there is a video in Urdu which will guide you how to install any blogger template in seconds.

#1. Metro Simple Blogger Template

I would just say that this template is great. This template was recently created and has all features which a professional design must have. The most beautiful template I can say, this one is. It has all what you need.

#2. Inspiration Dawn Blogger Template

I really like simple and professional blogger templates and this one is of course a simple and professional template. It Has a look similar like and you can however customize any part of this template according to your needs. Photos Gallery, two cute menus including drop down and a big header is the beauty of this template.

#3. Devil's Workshop Blogger Template

This template is the one which I'm using myself on this blog for last few months and the result is great yet. Especially it is SEO optimized and easy to customize. I will keep it on my blog for a long time. It has all necessary features.

#4. MONOP Blogger Template 

This template is totally a fresh and clean one. The template is created by a professional web designer and SEO opmitzer Muhammad Mustafa Ahmedzai of MBT. this template has space for Google adsense ads and also a beautiful red colored drop down menu. The header is also cool, and has a default subscription box for Facebook, Twitter and email subscribers. So grab this template by clicking the downloading link below the picture.

#5. Halifax Blogger Template

This template is very awesome in design and Layout. I just liked its header and simple navigation bar. It can attract people who like quiet environment while reading a blog.

#6. Mash 2 Blogger Template

Mash 2 is the second copy of Mashable blogger template in 2012. So it is also a great template in design, menus, layout and with other widgets. This template can also be used in 2013 for blogging.

#7. Freshable Blogger Template

This is another beautiful template for personal blogs and has a very unique navigation menu at header. The space for logo is also a new one. This template has many other features and a cute side bar. Must give it a try in 2013. This template is created by Faizan Ali of MBL who is also a silent reader of this blog. He blogs terribly.

#8. Quintel Blogger Template

Quintel blogger template is also released in the middle of 2012 and it is similarly likeWay2blogging template. It has a navigation menu along with a header and can be customized easily.

#9. Balena Blogger Template

Balena is WordPress converted blogger template which is the best for Cooking blogs and other domestic blogs. Girls and women can use it for their blogs and it has a colorful environment. 

#10. Style Vantage Green Blogger Template

This is another simple and awesome blogger template and this template is useful for poetry and SMS blogs. However, it can be used for any kind of blog, because it has a navigation bar as well as a simple header and two columns.

Why we say these templates are for 2013?

Because we have checked most of these templates and they are perfect for 2013 year. These templates were mostly released in the middle or in the end of 2012, therefore, they have overall capabilities for 2013 as well. You can freely use them in 2013 for your blogging with

How to Install a blogger template?

I most of you know about installing a blogger template, but if any of you don't know then here is a video tutorial in Urdu language which will show you a practical stage of installing a blogger template in seconds. Do watch it and learn the procedure of template installation.